Boot Camp

A few weeks ago, PB Kenmore launched our new Boot Camp and already it has created a great interest amongst the community. In the midst of scenic surroundings of Brookfield, the atmosphere is very inviting. With all if this in our favour, the classes are going from strength to strength! The sessions run at 6:30am every Saturday morning at Creekside Park, Rafting Ground Rd, Brookfield.

Group Sessions a big hit!

Behind the Scenes

Summer is just around the corner and the Group session timetable is heating up. Everyone is seeing the advantage and results of consistent and frequent training sessions. All with the great team of Pek, Somerton and Nathan. Keep up the great work for all involved!

Level 1 & Level 2 Boxing

The Brisbane City studio host its first Level 1 & Level 2 boxing certification to 5 people on Saturday. Two students currently studying, two current personal trainers and one fitness enthusiast. Eights hours later and everyone was floating like a butter fly and stinging like a bee! Tough day but everyone passed with flying colours and look forward to putting their moves into action! All course enquires can be sent to

Melbourne Cup Hangover

Well it is the day after Melbourne Cup and what a fantastic day it must have been!  We have had clients either cancelling their morning sessions or turning up late and looking quite hazy.  And the stories!  Sounds like it was quite a day for everyone who managed to get out and about, dress up, have a bit of fun with their friends at the race track, at the local or at the office.  And why not?  For the race that stops the nation – definitely a good day!  I hope that you had a win of some sort or another yesterday.

We are proud to share that one of our Hot Mama’s ladies, who is currently flying full pelt through her 6 week end of year challenge, won Best Dressed at the races yesterday – and so she should!  These ladies have now hit the half way mark for their challenge and they are on fire! They have all increased their training intensity in class as well as increased their training volume throughout the week.  We are now seeing our lovely ladies more often throughout the week, and hearing fabulous stories of Mt Coot-tha runs and river rides.  No longer do we see them hanging out at the local cafe for an hour or more after their sessions over coffee and cake (not to say there isn’t socialising over coffee still happening) but now hearing stories about how productive they have become in their days and how much more alert and energetic they are feeling during their tasks.

We quite often get asked ‘why can’t I lose weight here (pinching hips, stomach, thighs or tricep areas), I am exercising so hard!  Should I be doing more specific exercises?’.  This is when we start to discover the coffees, sneeky chocolates, thick cheesy pasta meals and ‘treat nights’.  While we are not nutritionists we certainly have the ability to advise that some of these things would be better in moderation and Voila!!! Changes are happening.  It is wonderful when we discover that it is the small things that make all the difference.

What small thing can you change in your day to make a difference to your health? Whether it be 1 less coffee, an apple instead of a caramelo koala chocolate, take the stairs to your office level instead of the elevator or even just cut out 1hr of tv at night for an extra hour of sleep!  Our Hot Mama’s have taken the challenge to make a change, feel a difference and support each other in their race to the finish – what challenge will you set for yourself?

Youth Training

Kenmore Personal Best has recently introduced a Youth Training Program for the local Kenmore AFL club. This is a specific Strength & Conditioning program to introduce the athletes to conditioning their bodies ready for their chosen sport. The sessions consists of, weight training, speed & agility training. This type of program can be introduced to all kinds of sports and would benefit the athletes to a better understanding on the whole strength & conditioning aspect of their bodies.

Cert 3 students first big exam

This week our certificate 3 students had their first big exam based on anatomy.  If anyone has sat a test on anatomy or even simply studied up on it you will understand the vast complexity that is the human body.  There was a mixture of excitement, fear and anticipation as they entered the studio this morning – some were quietly confident, some had worked themselves up so much that sleep was hard to find the night before.  Upon entering the room and having that door close on them as a final sign of start time, the energy in the room was electric.  Calmed slightly by their mentor and teacher Shane Somerville, the girls sat their exam with no tears, and only a few groans.

The time ticked by, pens wrote furiously, and on the final note of ‘pens down’ the slight persperation and faster breathing of the students settled and they exited the room relieved and slightly anxious of the results.  What a morning!

What will their results be?  We can’t wait to find out – but we all have faith in our students and their capability.  They have been studying so hard inside and outside of the classroom that there is no way they couldn’t have been successful – despite the selfdoubt.

First big exam down, 5 weeks in to their certificate 3 studies and we are proud to say that they have emerged alive and kicking.

Results pending – great work girls!

Kenmore BootCamp

Last week PB Kenmore launched this seasons new boot camp and already it has created a great interest amongst the community. In the midst of scenic surroundings of Brookfield and with a yoga group taking place nearby, the atmosphere is very inviting. With all if this in our favour, I can only see the classes going from strength to strength.

Staggering 124Kg Loss

We have some amazing people training at our studio in Kenmore. Collectively over the past 6 months the clients of PB Kenmore have lost a staggering 124 kilos. Also they’ve achieved some special feats, including; climbing Mount Kilimanjaro, competed at tough mudder, stampede, triathlons & marathons. All credit to the dedication of our amazing clients and trainers that have helped them reach their goals.


Come along this Monday and join “Bochere” for a brand new Core Strengthening Class!! 830am! Learn to be in control of your body, with breathing and stretching techniques!


Be here next Wednesday and join “Hayley” for a brand new Box-fit class!! 830am!
A combination of strength & cardiovascular training!