Cardio-vascular (Aerobic) Training
Not everyone is an elite athlete, but everybody still has a right to expect to look and feel their best, and to have a sense of well-being. Your fitness is the key!
When people talk about fitness, they generally mean cardio-vascular (aerobic) fitness. Most daily activities rely almost completely on the aerobic system, hence the importance of developing this system. Your level of aerobic fitness is determined by the amount of oxygen that your body can utilise during physical activity. By increasing your body’s ability to use oxygen, the fitter you become and therefore the more activities you can perform.
A variety of exercise is recommended for your aerobic activity. These exercises should involve large muscle groups and be rhythmical in nature. Examples include running, walking, cycling, boxing, dancing, etc.
It is necessary to consider your fitness level in determining your intensity of exercise. An intensity of 70% of maximum volume of oxygen (MVO²), for one person will be very different to that of another person. As a general rule, when commencing a new training program, gradually increase the volume and intensity of your exercise, e.g. walk → jog → run.
Periodisation of your Aerobic Training Program
To gain optimum benefit from your aerobic training program, it is recommended that you periodise your program, i.e. change the intensity and volume of your training program at regular intervals, e.g. monthly. This will cause your body to continually adapt to your training program and therefore gain maximum benefits.
Level 1, 535 Milton Road,
Queensland – 4066
Contact : 0404 217 141